In this article the author, after the presentation of some theoretical assumptions, presents the management students' opinions about their expectations towards organizational leaders. The author attempts to determine the similarities and differences in respondents' expectations related to their gender, different level of studies -bachelor, master and postgraduate, and stage of life. The results show that these factors have an impact on individual expectations towards leaders' features and style of behavior. The data obtained is also correlated with author's previous studies in this domain conducted by using different methods of research in groups of students from 12 countries. The author also compares the results of his research to other international studies of future managers'
74Łukasz Haromszeki expectations (students of management) towards organizational leaders, which according to their knowledge and impression are a guarantee of success in their cultural environment.
Graph 2. Expectations towards leaders -female master degree studentsSource: own study.
Graph 3. Expectations towards leaders -male master degree studentsSource: own study.