in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, has been the national center for scientific and technical information for the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies since 1946 In developing and managing DOE's technical information program, the Center places under bibliographic control not only DOE-onginated information but also worldwide literature on scientific and technical advances in the energy field and announces the source and availability of this information Whereas the literature of science is emphasized, coverage is extended to DOE programmatic, socioeconomic, environmental legislative/regulatory, energy analysis, and policy-related areas To accomplish this mission, the Center builds and maintains computerized energyinformation data bases and disseminates this information via computerized retrieval systems and announcement publications such as abstracting journals, bibliographies, and update journals Direct access to the Center's most comprehensive data base, the Energy Data Base, is available to the public through commercial on-line bibliographic retrieval systems The Energy Data Base and many of the Center's energyrelated data bases are available to DOE offices and contractors and to other government agencies via DOE/RECON, the Department's on-line information retrieval system The Center has developed and maintains systems to record and communicate energy-related research-in-progress information, to maintain a register of DOE public communications publications, to track research report deliverables from DOE contractors, and to test and make available DOE-funded computer software programs with scientific and management applications The Center also maintains a full-scale publishing capability to serve special publication needs of the Department To effectively manage DOE's technical information resources, the Center's program is one of continual development and evaluation of new information products, systems, and technologies
Donald Paul Hodel
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