Adding additive with nano‐sized and considering porous media, new container has been generated and numerical technique was employed to model the convection process of cooling the four lobed surfaces which is situated inside three lobed tanks. Uniform flux was considered for four lobed surfaces while the outer surface is cold wall. With neglecting advection term due to employ of Darcy law, simpler form of momentum equations was appeared with is coupled with source term of magnetic field. Moreover, mixture model for testing fluid was applied with incorporating the efficacy of shape of nanopowders. Dispersing nanoparticles causes augmentation in Nu around 41.33% because of augmenting conductivity. The elevation of Ra makes Nu to increase around 38.98% in absence of Ha while this augmentation reaches to 1.54% in existence of Ha which means that domination of conduction in appearance of MHD. Augmenting shape parameter leads to rise of Nu around 11.72% while increment of Ha causes this function to reduce around 11.73%.