The design, construction, and operation of modern large hydraulic structures require a comprehensive study of the characteristics of the structure, properties, and state of the rock masses within which the engineering installations are located. In this case both the conditions of interaction of the structure with the geological environment and the possible changes in the properties of this environment due to various technogenlc (anthropogenic) factors should be established [2,7,19,20]. A considerable contribution to the solution of these problemsis being made and a still greater contribution can be made by methods of modern engineering geophysics, i.e., various geophysical methods (seismic, electrical, magnetic, nuclear, and others) being used for Solving special engineering and engineering-geologic problems [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][18][19][20][21][22].As an integral part of the total complex of survey works, these methods have already been used for a long time for obtaining additional information on the engineering-geologic~con-ditions of the construction sites of various installations. However, in recent years "engineering geophysics,being spurred on by the construction of extremely large hydrostations in fold-mountain regions under extremely complex seismogeological conditions, has acquired welldefined features of independence not only with respect to its techniques but also with respect to the character of problems to be solved, which in many cases are original, not accessible for traditional types of exploration. This can be referred mainly to the topics of study of rock masses as foundations, the surrounding medium, and sphere of interaction with hydraulic structures" (A. G. Lykoshin).With respect to the character of the problems being solved, three main directions, which for now have obtained a substantially different degree of development, were distinguished here [14,19].The first of the indicated directions is related to a study of the natural engineeringgeologic conditions of construction sites. It includes problems of three-dimensional schematization (mapping) of the investigated rock masses on the basis of various geophysical parameters and a determination of the properties and state of rocks in isolated structural elements (with establishment of the regularities of the spatial variability of these properties). Included here are problems of evaluating the initial seismic danger of construction sites with ;~ a determination of the parameters of possible seismic effects and places of possible occurrence of residual seismic deformations [18,19].The second direction is engaged in problems arising during construction of large struc, tures. Typical problems of this direction are the refinement of the parameters of the zone of removal in construction pits; determination of the zones of expansion and stress release in temporary tunnels and mine workings; check of the quality and effectiveness of injection (grouting) works; check of the quality of concrete in structures, etc. [19,20,23]. These investigation s dif...