BACKGROUND: The Short Form-36 (SF-36) is one of the most widely used tools to assess quality of life in breast cancer patients. According to MEDLINE, the SF-36 is used in 95.0% of research studies to assess the quality of life in various diseases. Advantages of SF-36 include wide availability, ease of use, and high validity.
AIM: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of general magnetic field therapy in comprehensive medical rehabilitation on the quality of life parameters using a SF-36 questionnaire in breast cancer patients at 2–4 days and 1.0–1.5 months after surgery.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in patients (n=107) after surgery for breast cancer. All patients were divided into three groups balanced by age and clinical and functional parameters, and received a course of medical rehabilitation which included individual postoperative sessions of exercise therapy (posture treatment; movement therapy with breathing, general stimulating, special, and relaxation exercises; sensorimotor training using a biofeedback simulator; individual sessions with a medical psychologist; one session of instrumental physiotherapy). Comprehensive medical rehabilitation included fluctuating current therapy in group 1 (n=35), local magnetic field therapy in group 2 (n=35), and general magnetic field therapy in group 3 (n=37).
RESULTS: Analysis of quality of life parameters in the early postoperative period demonstrated effectiveness of the comprehensive physical rehabilitation program using exercise therapy, balance boards, and sessions with a psychologist in combination with one of the physical treatment options. Positive results increase patients’ confidence in the success of their rehabilitation. After providing the general magnetic field therapy in comprehensive medical rehabilitation, most of the SF-36 quality of life parameters improved, which indicates the beneficial effects of the general magnetic field on situational and personal anxiety, asthenic and vegetative manifestations, and sleep, as well as prolongation of these effects. Patients who received fluctuating current therapy as part of medical rehabilitation improved their pain index and physical function, probably due to analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of this treatment option.
CONCLUSION: Comprehensive physical rehabilitation combined with physical therapy increases the patient’s independence in daily living, self-care, and mobility.