The identification of missing persons in armed conflict and with mass casualties in emergencies has its own characteristics and requires an integrated approach to increase accuracy and objectivity. The aim of the study justification of the appropriateness of an integrated approach in identifying persons missing in an armed conflict with mass casualties. In the work, archival materials of forensic medical examinations of the commemorative institution “Dnipropetrovsk Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination” were used regarding those who died during the armed conflict with mass casualties in eastern Ukraine during 2014-2019. Research methods: anthropometric, morphometric, photographic, radiological, forensic methods, computer simulation method, molecular genetic, statistic. The article sets out the domestic experience of increasing the objectivity and accuracy of identifying missing persons and determining the characteristics of bodily injuries and traumatic factors through an integrated approach using anthropometric, morphometric, photographic, radiological, molecular genetics and medical and criminalistics methods and in situations of armed conflict with mass casualties. However, the presence of only a modern morgue and the latest equipment in the laboratory department of the forensic medical examination bureau is not a guarantee of a successful examination to identify the deceased. As the experience of different countries in the case of mass natural and man-made disasters shows – the key element is the correct and consistent organization of research. The experience of conducting identification studies in Ukraine of missing persons in an armed conflict with mass casualties of people indicates the appropriateness of applying an integrated approach that improves the objectivity and accuracy of the study.