Patients undergoing breast reconstruction often ask the plastic surgeon which is the surgical procedure that gives the best results. In order to answer this question, the results of three different techniques of breast reconstruction in 62 cases were compared and evaluated. In 37 cases, the reconstruction was performed by tissue expansion followed by insertion of silicone prostheses (EXP), in 9 cases by a pedicled myocutaneous latissimus dorsi flap with prostheses (LDF), in 16 cases by a microvascular rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap. Both the subjective (patients' satisfaction and psychological attitude) and the objective data were taken into consideration to evaluate the results. The TRAM results were the best, followed by the EXP technique and then by the LDF technique. The number of immediate and delayed complications was approximately the same using all three techniques, but TRAM is a little safer. Although tissue expansion is the simplest and quickest technique which may be best for some patients, the use of autologous tissue (TRAM) is recommended.