The abuse of heroin in the Haight-Ashbury subculture of San Francisco increased ten-fold in the twelve month period preceding June 1970; all indications point to a like increase in the coining year. Drug abuse in the Haight-Ashbury has usually presaged that in other sections of the country by many months; o u r clinic is turned to by physicians throughout the area for consultation. Of special significance is the emergence of the "middle class junkie" (young, white, with a short-term habit). This new heroin population is being treated by us on an outpatient basis, with symptomatic nun-narcotic medication. and is directed whenever possible into the available psycho-social aftercare facilities.The dynamics of drug abuse in the Haight-Ashbury subculture, as reflected in patients seen at the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic, has recently shown an undeniable and escalating swing to heroin. During the first nine months of 1969 an average 0 1 f r o m two to four heroin addicts with 24 1 Copyright @ 197 1 by Marcel Dekker. Inc. NO P A R T of this work ma.v be reproduced or utilized it1 any form or by UIIJJ tncans, electronic or mechanical, including xerography, photocopying, microfilm, and recording, or by any information ctorage and retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher. Subst Use Misuse Downloaded from by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 12/04/14 For personal use only. Subst Use Misuse Downloaded from by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 12/04/14 For personal use only.