Smartphones have fully penetrated into the daily life of Chinese nursing students. While smartphones bring convenience to nursing students, they have also become an important risk factor for depression among nursing students. Among them, smartphone distraction is closely related to depression, and the prevalence of smartphone distraction among nursing students is gradually increasing. However, the potential mechanism of the effect of smartphone distraction on nursing students' depression is unclear.
A cross-sectional study design was used in this study. This study conducted an online questionnaire survey of undergraduate nursing students from several universities in Wuhan between September 2021 and May 2022. A total of 574 nursing students completed an online questionnaire in this study, which measured their levels of smartphone distractions, rumination, social withdrawal, and depression. The data were analyzed in this study using SPSS 25 and PROCESS 4.2.
Smartphone distraction among nursing students had an impact on depression through four pathways: (1) Smartphone distraction significantly positively predicted depression (β = 0.353, P < 0.001); (2) Rumination (β = 0.199, 95% CI: 0.081 to 0.162) and social withdrawal (β = 0.061, 95% CI: 0.034 to 0.091) mediate the effects of smartphone distractions on depression, respectively; and (3) Rumination and social withdrawal played a chain mediating role in the effect of smartphone distractions on nursing students’ depression (β = 0.027, 95% CI: 0.015 to 0.042).
The negative impact of smartphone distraction on nursing students' mental health should not be taken lightly. Both schools and families should guide nursing students to use smartphones correctly and keep abreast of their motivation and thinking dynamics; enhance their social connection and social skills to reduce their risk of depression.