In this article, we reflect on our efforts supporting an institution-wide special interest group (SIG) on pedagogic research. Initiated by the Academic and Learning Enhancement at the University of Greenwich, the SIG serves as an interdisciplinary and collaborative space for the university community to develop skills and practice in this area. We discuss our practices around the structure and sustainability of the Pedagogic Research SIG, which are characterised by values such as openness, transparency, inclusion, and equity. In the current neo-liberal climate of Higher Education, we advocate for the humanisation of pedagogic practice through a recognition of staff agency, endorsed by a compassionate community of practice. As an antidote to the commodification of academic practice, we suggest a more holistic approach to academic development with an emphasis on authenticity and fulfilment. In the context of the Pedagogic Research SIG, we envision impact as a multidimensional and layered construct, which includes the intellectual, social and personal dimensions of education, emphasising transformation and change with a potential positive effect on individuals, communities and the society within and beyond academia. Our work makes a significant contribution to the scant scholarship on special interest groups in Higher Education with broader implications for academic development and practice.