Note that the following assessment of plant protection criteria only applies to the specified process steps after the capsules enter the TRA facility. Once the shipping container leaves ATR, the applicable Department of Transportation Code of Federal Regulations, or DOP (for HCC 3) control the shipment, and this experiment is not under the control of the ATR UFSAR. Radiation Exposure. No Condition 3 faults associated with transferring unirradiated or irradiated MOX fuel, dummy capsule assemblies, and basket assemblies have been identified that could cause unacceptable off-site exposure. To limit worker exposure, radiological controls for all handling activities are performed in accordance with the Radiation Protection Manual. Barrier Protection. No Condition 3 faults associated with transferring unirradiated or irradiated MOX fuel, dummy capsule assemblies, or basket assemblies have been identified that could possibly lead to damage to the ATR primary coolant pressure boundary.