Artificial ice shapes of various geometric fidelity were tested on a wing model based on the Common Research Model. Low Reynolds number tests were conducted at Wichita State University's Walter H. Beech Memorial Wind Tunnel utilizing an 8.9% scale model, and high Reynolds number tests were conducted at ONERA's F1 wind tunnel utilizing a 13.3% scale model. Several identical geometrically-scaled ice shapes were tested at both facilities, and the results were compared at overlapping Reynolds and Mach numbers. This was to ensure that the results and trends observed at low Reynolds number could be applied and continued to high, near-flight Reynolds number. The data from Wichita State University and ONERA F1 agreed well at matched Reynolds and Mach numbers. The lift and pitching moment curves agreed very well for most configurations. This confirmed results from previous tests with other ice shapes that indicated the data from the low Reynolds number tests could be used to understand iced-swept-wing aerodynamics at high Reynolds number. This allows ice aerodynamics testing to be performed at low Reynolds number facilities with much lower operating costs and generate results that are applicable to flight Reynolds number.
xModel coordinate in chordwise direction. y Model coordinate in spanwise direction.
CDDrag coefficient.
CD,0.6Drag coefficient at CL = 0.6.
CD,minMinimum drag coefficient.
CLLift coefficient.
CL.maxMaximum lift coefficient.
CL,useUsable lift coefficient.
CMPitching moment coefficient.
CM,minLocal minimum in pitching moment coefficient.
CpPressure coefficient.
CRM65Common Research Model 65% scale. M Mach number. MAC Mean aerodynamic chord. ONERA Office National d'Etudes et Recherches Aérospatiales. p0 Freestream total pressure. q Freestream dynamic pressure.
ReReynolds number.
RLERemovable leading edge.