Functional polymers have a wide range of applications, that is, biomedical applications, self‐healing polymers, OLED devices, optical applications, etc. due to improved plasticity, ductility, heat resistance, etc. The present study contributed to reinforcing the concept of functionalization to design facile and cost‐effective material with desired properties or tweak the existing properties of polymers. The advancement of this research study provided insight into the effect of different amino functional groups on the optical properties such as UV shielding, morphology, fluorescence, and crystallinity of PMMA. Results indicated that PHNG3 exhibited very strong UV absorption in comparison with other fun‐PMMAs. The chemical shift (δ) at ~3.5 ppm for β‐NH/NH2 and the existence of aromatic protons at ~7.138 to 9.134 ppm confirmed the functionalization of PMMA.