Title: "Recovery of polyphenols from oil mill effluents through membrane processes and biological treatment of reject streams" Nowadays, the recovery of industrial effluents is becoming a promising approach in the context of the circular economy. The scarcity of fresh water sources, together with the protection of the environment, makes both the reuse of water and the recovery of valuable compounds necessary. Millions of tons of olive oil are produced each year in the Mediterranean sector, which leads to a large amount of wastewater with a high organic load and polyphenols. Polyphenols are phytotoxic compounds, which are harmful to the environment. However, they have high antioxidant activity, which makes them potentially valuable for marketing. This Doctoral Thesis has been carried out in order to implement the circular economy ("zero waste", zero waste) for the treatment of this wastewater. For this, different combinations of processes were used to, on the one hand, recover phenolic compounds, as well as treat this wastewater to be reincorporated into the production process.V.2. Use of ultrafiltration ceramic membranes as a first step treatment for olive oil washing wastewater