Turkey wants to become the world’s 10th largest economy in the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the republic of Turkey. In order to achieve this goal, there are many breakthroughs in the political, economic and in energy fields. Turkey’s installed power capacity was 85000 MW in 2017 but installed power of 125.000MW is targeted to achieve the objective of 2023 targets. The government is aiming to increase the total production of renewable energy share by 30% in 2023, while foreseeing the increase in capacity due to nuclear and fossil fuel consumption. Targets for different technologies are 34000 MW hydroelectric, 20000 MW wind energy, 5000 MW solar energy (photovoltaic and condensed solar energy), 1000 MW geothermal energy and 1000 MW biomass. Capacity utilization in hydroelectricity is 62%, wind power is 14%, and geothermal power is 33%. The total installed capacity of Biogas, Biomass, Waste Heat and Pyrolytic Oil Power Plants is 530 MW. Theoretical total power capacity of the solar energy for Turkey as 300 TWh/year and reached 45% of the 2023 target in 2017 in the last three years. However, it is estimated that the targets of 2023 in solar energy can be exceeded. Government offers attractive incentive packages for renewable and other energy sector to achieve 2023 goals. In order to encourage domestic production, a total of 2000 MW wind and solar energy installation bid was carried out in 2017. This contract is expected to make Turkey as energy hub both in terms of installation and technology. In this study, Turkey’s renewable energy potential, and energy strategies and breakthroughs for this were investigated and discussed.