Applying biomass energy for curing flue-cured/Virginia tobacco heating is the best way to realize green tobacco production. Aiming to satisfy the heating demand for flue-cured tobacco curing, a new heating device that uses biomass briquettes as fuel for curing tobacco is adopted the first time, which was developed using modern mature electromechanical and computer technology. The new device consists of automatic feeding, ash cleaning, ventilation, and ignition systems governed by an intelligent tobacco-curing controller designed for specific curing characteristics. The results of experiments conducted with an original direct combustion coal furnace, bulk curing barn, and controlled coal-fired heating indicated that the heat supply of the new device could satisfy the heat demand during the tobacco curing process, with a good performance-controlling difference of ± 0.5 °C between the actual and target dry-bulb temperature in the barn. With its unattended heating management and use of fully burning fuel, the new device sharply decreased the cost of manual operation and tobacco leaves required per kilogram compared to a coal furnace. Considering the shape of its structure, the new device could be used to heat homes or small-scale boilers if the chip procedure of the controller is altered.