L'uomo attraversa il presente con gli occhi bendati. Può al massimo immaginare e tentare di indovinare ciò che sta vivendo. Solo più tardi gli viene tolto il fazzoletto dagli occhi e lui, gettato uno sguardo al passato, si accorge di che cosa ha realmente vissuto e ne capisce il senso. M. Kundera, Gli amori ridicoli II V The present Ph.D. dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter 1 An overview of pressure oscillation phenomenology in a solid rocket motor is highlighted. To understand the origin of pressure oscillations, a presentation of the basic phenomena characterizing the aeroacoustic coupling is provided. The aeroacoustic resonance characterization is completed with the description of Rossiter's feedback loop model and its possible interpretation. Some notes about flute mode behavior, lock-in phenomenon and combustion instabilities are given. The vortical structure definition and identification criteria are also presented. Chapter 2 The state of the art of the most important methods for aeroacoustic modeling are presented. After a general historical summary, the methods are described in terms of their fundamental features. Generalities are given about the full numerical simulations. Then Matveev's and Jou and Menon's reduced order models are introduced and analyzed. Chapter 3 An overview of SRM aeroacoustic mathematical model is provided, with special care in the derivation and analysis of the vorticity equation. A description of AGAR quasi-one dimensional model is presented. Chapter 4 The validation test case here presented is the simulation of cold flow in an axisymmetric combustor. A comparison with Jou and Menon's results is provided. The behavior and main characteristics of AGAR model are described, and an analysis of the interaction between vortex dynamics and acoustic waves is obtained. Chapter 5 The simulation of the aeroacoustic phenomena of P80 solid rocket motor, first stage of Vega launcher, by AGAR model is considered. The experimental data and the numerical results are described, analyzed and compared.