SummaryPermanent storage of anthropogenic CO 2 in deep geologic formations is being considered as a means to reduce the concentration of atmospheric CO 2 and thus its contribution to global climate change. To assure safe and effective geologic sequestration, numerous studies have been completed regarding the extent to which CO 2 migrates within geologic formations, and what physical and geochemical changes occur in these formations when CO 2 is injected. Sophisticated, computerized reservoir simulations are used as part of field site and laboratory CO 2 sequestration studies. These simulations use coupled multiphase flow-reactive chemical transport models and/or standalone (i.e., no coupled fluid transport) geochemical models to calculate gas solubility, aqueous complexation, reduction/oxidation (redox), and/or mineral solubility reactions related to CO 2 injection and sequestration.Thermodynamic data are critical inputs to modeling geochemical processes. The adequacy of thermodynamic data for carbonate compounds has been identified as an important data requirement for the successful application of these geochemical reaction models to CO 2 sequestration. Therefore, a review was completed of thermodynamic data for CO 2 gas and carbonate aqueous species and minerals present in published data compilations and databases used in geochemical reaction models. Published studies that describe mineralogical analyses from CO 2 sequestration field and natural analogue sites and laboratory studies were also reviewed to identify specific carbonate minerals that are important to CO 2 sequestration reactions and therefore require thermodynamic data.The results of the literature review (Section 5.0) indicate that an extensive thermodynamic database exists for CO 2 and CH 4 gases, carbonate aqueous species, and carbonate minerals. Values of ∆ f G 298° and/or log K r,298° are available for essentially all of these compounds. However, log K r,T° or heat capacity values at temperatures above 298 K exist for less than approximately one-third of these compounds. Because the temperatures of host formations that will be used for CO 2 injection and sequestration will be at temperatures in the range of 50ºC to 100ºC or greater, the lack of high-temperature thermodynamic values for key carbonate compounds, especially minerals, will impact the accuracy of some modeling calculations.In comparison to the available thermodynamic data for carbonate minerals, only a small number of carbonate minerals have been described in published studies as actually being present in the host rock formations at CO 2 injection test sites or natural analogue sites, reaction products of CO 2 injection/ intrusion into a host formation, or as mineral reactants or products of laboratory CO 2 fluid-rock and -mineral experiments. Except for a few carbonate solid-solution minerals (ferroan and magnesian carbonates and ferroan dolomite), thermodynamic data are available for the pure carbonate minerals identified in these natural analogue site and fluid-rock and -mineral...