To optimize the online friction coefficient adjustment, it is necessary to study the parameter change features of the magneto-sensitive polymer and its influence on the friction characteristics under magnetic field. A series of isotropic magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) with different initial surface roughness were prepared, and a sliding friction platform with MRE - copper block pair was built to carry out magnetic-controlled friction characteristic experiment. Results show that the sliding friction coefficient of MRE decreases with the increase of the magnetic field, but the degree of reduction is quite different under different initial surface roughness and elastic modulus. When the initial surface roughness of MRE is between 0.5 - 2.5 Ī¼m and the ferromagnetic particles volume fraction is between 10% - 15%, its magnetic-controlled friction coefficient has the largest reduced value of 22.75%. Moreover, features of elastic modulus and surface topography under magnetic field were tested and analyzed. By combining with the single peak contact model and the friction binomial law, the relationship between the surface roughness and elastic modulus of MREs and the sliding friction force is deduced, and it is proved that the friction coefficient is affected by the coupling effect of surface roughness and elastic modulus. The magnetic-controlled elastic modulus is the key factor, which determines the overall downward trend of the friction coefficient of MREs. Magnetic-controlled surface roughness also plays an important role in the adjustable range of friction coefficient, and reducing the initial surface roughness can increase the magnetic-controlled friction coefficient adjustable range.