The equilibrium geometries, vibrational frequencies, excitation energies, and oscillator strengths of vinyl chloride in the ground and five lowest-lying excited singlet states have been calculated using MP2, CIS, CASSCF, and MRCI methods with the 6-311ϩϩG** basis set. The geometries and vibrational frequencies of the ground and excited states are utilized to compute Franck-Condon factors. Calculated vibronic spectra for the transitions from the ground state to these five excited states are in agreement with experiment at 52 500-60 000 cm Ϫ1 , with major contributions from the à (1 1 AЉ)←X (1 1 AЈ) and C (2 1 AЈ)←X (1 1 AЈ) transitions. In this study, two spin-forbidden transitions of b (1 3 AЉ)←X (1 1 AЈ) and c (2 3 AЉ)←X (1 1 AЈ) are calculated to locate in 45 000-54 000 cm Ϫ1 , and could be responsible for the observed one-photon absorption spectrum due to an intensity borrowing caused by the spin-orbit coupling of the Cl atom. Based on calculation, we speculate that upon the excitation of vinyl chloride at 193 nm the b (1 3 AЉ) or c (2 3 AЉ) excited state, instead of the ͑,*͒, is initially prepared prior to the subsequent photodissociation processes.