The helium atom is the simplest example of a many-electron atom. In light of the simplicity and model character of helium atoms one would naturally be interested to learn how the electronically excited states become modified when an excited helium atom is placed near one, two, or more helium atoms. A straightforward experiment to investigate this problem is to produce a beam of helium clusters of variable size and to photoexcite these clusters in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectral range using synchrotron radiation. Such an experiment probes a disordered arrangement of atoms because helium clusters and droplets in a free beam are always liquid. A molecular beam of clusters is optically thin and absorbs very little light, but helium clusters have a large fluorescence yield. Therefore, photofluorescence yield detection is the method of choice. The first experiments of 4 He clusters of variable size using a VUV fluorescence light detector identified a number of bands and it was found that the energies of these excitations, unlike the electronic excitations of heavy rare gas clusters, 1,2 did not fit to a Wannier-type excitonic series. 3 Subsequent experiments investigated fluorescence decay channels in different wavelength regions, 4,5 the effect of helium particle density, 6 fluorescence in cavities within large helium droplets, 7 and the possible Rydberg nature of the excited states of small helium clusters. 8 First quantum chemical calculations of an octahedral model cluster reported the energies of the n = 2, 3, and 4 states of the central atom as a function of the internuclear separation in the octahedron. 9 Electronic spectra simulations of a perturbed octahedron as well as an N = 25 atom-large cluster 10 were able to reproduce previously reported experimental data of small clusters. 6 Despite these efforts, we still have an incomplete picture of the electronically excited states of large helium clusters. The number of states increases dramatically with size making the computation and interpretation of the results laborious. The availability of experimental data that cover the entire size range of helium clusters and droplets is prerequisite as a benchmark for testing theoretical interpretation and likewise prerequisite in providing evidence for empirical interpretation. Furthermore, the comprehensive data set presented in this paper shows that each helium cluster size has a specific spectral fingerprint. A unique feature of helium clusters and droplets is the 6À7 Å thick surface region where the density drops smoothly from the bulk value to zero. 11,11,12 With regard to electronically excited states, such a surface layer represents a ABSTRACT: We report a comprehensive investigation of the electronically excited states of helium clusters and droplets of sizes ranging from a few to several 10 7 atoms using time-resolved fluorescence excitation spectroscopy and quantum chemical ab initio calculations. We employ various approaches for our analysis considering the lifetime-dependence of the fluorescence intens...