Halouzka R., V. Jurajda and E. Minksova: Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on Humorallmmunity and Blood Serum VitaminA and E Concentration o/Chich. Acta vet. Bmo, 63, 1994: 141-144.The effects of ingestion of a feed contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) using Delor 103, a technical preparation, on the dynamics ofhaemagglutination-inhibiting (lfl) antibodies to Newcastle disease virus (NOV) after administration of Czechoslovak: vaccine A vipest (LaSota) were studied in an in-vivo experiment. Blood serum vitamin A and E concentrations were assessed at the end of the experiment.Brown Hisex layer-type hibrid cockerels from a commercial flock were fed a feed mixture supplemented with Delor 103 at the rate of 25 mg.kg-I or 50 mg.kg-I feed from 1 day of age till the end of the experiment in the 10th week. In the 3rd post-hatching week they received vaccine against NDV in drinking water. The level of post-vaccination immunity was checked at 14-day intervals. Vitamin concentrations were assessed with fluorescence spectrophotometry. Compared with the control birds, the two PCB-fed groups showed a lower HI antibody level in the 4th, 6th and 10th week. No differences in the reduction of immunity due to the different PCB levels in the feed were recorded. Vitamin A concentration was significantly (P:s 0.05) lower in both experimental groups than in the controls. Vitamin E concentration of the group fed the feed mixture contaminated with Delor 103 at 25 mg.kg-I was significantly (P :s 0.05) higher than in the controls.Continued feeding of a PCB-contaminated feed mixture to chickens may be involved in delayed development, fluctuation or reduction of their post-vaccination humoral immunity against NDV.
Brown Hisex chickens. PCB, post-vaccination immunity. NDV.Atrophy of lymphoid tissues observed in various animaJ species after ingestion of feeds containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) has been regarded as a morphological correlate of their immunosuppressive effects (C 0 s 1972; Vos andDe Roij 1972; Vos andvan Driel-Grootenhuis 1972;Halouzka andJurajda 1991). However, published direct evidence for depressed immune response in poultry has been scarce. In a previous report (H al 0 u z k a et al. 1990) we demonstrated morphological changes in the lymphoid organs of chickens fed a PCB-contaminated feed. The present report was designed to study the effects of PCB on the development and dynamics of humoral antibodies after vaccination against Newcastle disease and on blood serum vitamin A and E concentration.
Materials and MethodsThe experimental birds were l-day old Brown Hisex layer-type hybrid cockerels from a commercial flock. They were divided at random into 3 groups and fed a commercial feed mixture ad libitum. 1be feed mixture was contaminated with PCB in the form of Del or 103, a technical preparation, at the rate of 25 mg.kg-I (Group 1) or 50 mg.kg-I feed (Group 2). Checks on the PCB content of the feed mixture before and after its contamination were made with gas chromatography (V avrov a 1984). Grou...