Quantum correlations between bright pump, signal, and idler beams produced by an optical parametric oscillator, all with different frequencies, are experimentally demonstrated. We show that the degree of entanglement between signal and idler fields is improved by using information of pump fluctuations. This is the first observation of three-color optical quantum correlations.
PACS numbers:Quantum correlations are a signature of nonclassical light generation. The optical parametric oscillator (OPO) is the best-known and most widely used source of such correlations. Squeezing in the intensity difference of the twin beams it produces above-threshold (signal and idler) [1] reached the record value of −9.7 dB [2]. Bipartite continuous variable (CV) entanglement in this system, which requires the observation of phase anticorrelations as well, was only demonstrated very recently [3,4,5]. The parametric process involves three fields, yet the pump field is typically treated as a classical quantity. As an exception, quantum properties of the pump were first measured by Kasai et al. [6]. This arises a natural question: are there quantum correlations between all three fields? An affirmative answer has been recently given by Villar et al. [7], who investigated the problem theoretically. Here, we provide the first experimental affirmative answer by observing triple correlations between quadratures of pump, signal, and idler fields.Beyond the demonstration of nonclassical light features, one should notice that all three fields have different frequencies. The interest of quantum frequency conversion was noticed in the early 1990s [8,9] and opens perspectives for the interaction of light with physical systems having different resonance frequencies. The abovethreshold OPO produces, in general, nondegenerate twin beams and the pump beam has approximately twice their frequencies. Three-color quantum correlations increase the number of physical systems that can be simultaneously investigated. Correlations with the pump can also be used to enhance the bipartite entanglement between the twin beams, as we show below.Quantum correlations should exist between the phase quadrature of the pump field and the sum of phase quadratures of signal and idler fields as a direct consequence of energy conservation ω 0 = ω 1 + ω 2 . Indeed, by relating frequency fluctuations to phase fluctuations, we obtain δφ 0 = δφ 1 + δφ 2 . Indices j ∈ {0, 1, 2} refer to pump, signal and idler fields, respectively. The quadratures are defined through the field annihilation operatorsâ j = exp(iφ j )(p j + iq j ), where φ j is chosen so that q j = 0. When the OPO is detuned from exact * Electronic address: nussen@if.usp.br triple resonance, this phase-phase correlation, Cq 0q+ = δq 0 δq + , is partially transferred to an amplitude-phase correlation, Cp 0q+ = δp 0 δq + , owing to phase noise to amplitude noise conversion [10] inside the OPO cavity [q + ≡ (q 1 +q 2 )/ √ 2]. Our experiment is designed to measure joint fluctuations of a combination ofq + andp 0 and com...