The uniform electron gas (UEG) at finite temperature is of key relevance for many applications in dense plasmas, warm dense matter, laser excited solids and much more. Accurate thermodynamic data for the UEG are an essential ingredient for many-body theories, in particular, density functional theory. Recently, first-principle restricted path integral Monte Carlo results became available which, however, due to the fermion sign problem, had to be restricted to moderate degeneracy, i.e. low to moderate densities with rs =r/aB 1. Here we present novel first-principle configuration PIMC results for electrons for rs ≤ 1. We also present quantum statistical data within the e 4 -approximation that are in good agreement with the simulations at small to moderate rs. [11,12]. Besides, the electron component is of crucial importance for understanding the properties of atoms, molecules and existing and novel materials. The most successful approach has been density functional theory (DFT)-combined with an approximation for the exchange-correlation potential. Its success is based on the availability of accurate zero temperature data for the UEG which is obtained from analytically known limiting cases combined with first-principle quantum Monte Carlo data [13].In recent years more and more applications have emerged where the electrons are highly excited, e.g. by compression of the material or by electromagnetic radiation (see above), which require to go beyond zero temperature DFT. This has led to an urgent need for accurate thermodynamic data of the UEG at finite temperature. One known limiting case is the highly degenerate ideal Fermi gas (IFG), and perturbation theory results around the IFG, starting with the Hartree-Fock and first order correlation corrections (Montroll-Ward) [14,15] [27]. It is well known that fermionic PIMC simulation in continuous space suffer from the fermion sign problem (FSP) which is known to be NP hard [28]. This means, with increasing quantum degeneracy, i.e. increasing parameter χ = nλ 3 DB , which is the product of density and thermal DeBroglie wave length, λ, the simulations suffer an exponential loss of accuracy. RPIMC formally avoids the FSP by an additional assumption on the nodes of the density matrix, however, it also cannot access high densities [29], r s < 1 [r s =r/a B , wherer is the mean interparticle distance, n −1 = 4πr 3 /3 and a B the Bohr radius]. Also, the quality of the simulations around r s = 1, at low temperatures Θ = k B T /E F ≤ 0.125 [E F is the Fermi energy] is unknown. However, this leaves out the high-density range that is of high importance, e.g. for deuterium-tritium implosions at NIF where mass densities of 400 gcm −3 (up to 1596 gcm −3 ) have recently been reported [9] (are expected along the implosion path [8]), corresponding to r s ≈ 0.24 (r s = 0.15), see Fig. 1.The authors of Ref.[27] also performed DPIMC simulations which confirmed that, for Θ < 0.5 and r s 4, these simulations are practically not possible, see Fig. 1. We also mention independent recent DPIMC ...