Instruments to visualize transient structural changes of inhomogeneous materials on the nanometer scale with atomic spatial and temporal resolution are demanded to advance materials science, bioscience, and fusion sciences. One such technique is femtosecond electron microdiffraction, in which a short pulse of electrons with femtosecondscale duration is focused into a micron-scale spot and used to obtain diffraction images to resolve ultrafast structural dynamics over localized crystalline domain. In this letter, we report the experimental demonstration of time-resolved mega-electron-volt electron microdiffraction which achieves a 5 μm root-mean-square (rms) beam size on the sample and a 100 fs rms temporal resolution. Using pulses of 10k electrons at 4.2 MeV energy with a normalized emittance 3 nm-rad, we obtained high quality diffraction from a single 10 μm paraffin ( ) crystal. The phonon softening mode in optical-pumped polycrystalline Bi was also time-resolved, demonstrating the temporal resolution limits of our instrument design. This new characterization capability will open many research opportunities in material and biological sciences.Time-resolved x-ray 1-3 and electron microbeams 4-6 are emerging tools with broad applications in science and technology. Achieving high temporal resolving power provides insight into structural dynamics of materials in non-equilibrium states for understanding and controlling of energy and matter 7 . Delivering a focused, micron-scale beam to a sample under study is of paramount importance, as it enables the study of samples that cannot be prepared at the macroscale, or are intrinsically inhomogeneous. For example, the lateral size of a "large" protein crystal is typically less than 100 μm. Further, small protein crystals almost always exhibit greater perfection and less impurity than large crystals 8 . Matching the beam size to that of the small protein crystal sample provides the best signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio for crystallography. The inhomogeneous nature of natural and nanoscale materials also requires micron-scale probes to determine local composition, chemistry, and crystalline structure. With the advent of high brightness x-ray free-electron lasers and efficient x-ray focusing optics, x-ray microbeams with femtosecond level temporal resolving power have been achieved [9][10][11][12] . Extensive research and development efforts are underway to push the frontier of electron microbeams towards the femtosecond time scales temporal resolution in the Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED).Electron microdiffraction with continuous wave beams is a well-established technique in conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) 13 . Recently, ultrafast electron microscopy has been built by modifying a conventional TEM from thermionic or field emission electron sources to ultrafast laser-excited photoemission electron sources [14][15] , allowing timeresolved optical pump -electron probe experiments. Dedicated kilo-electron-volt (keV) ultrafast electron diffraction machines ha...