We show that the anti-reflection performance of nano-particle arrays on top of solar cell stacks is related to two conditions: a high enough degree of discrete rotational symmetry of the array and the ability of the system to suppress cross-talk between the two handednesses (helicities) of the electromagnetic field upon light-matter interaction.For particle-lattice systems with high enough degree of discrete rotational symmetry 2π/n for n ≥ 3), our numerical studies link the suppression of backscattering to the ability of the system to avoid the mixing between the two helicity components of the incident field. In an exemplary design, we optimize an array of TiO 2 disks placed on top of a flat heterojunction solar cell stack and obtain a three-fold reduction of the current 1 arXiv:1902.07546v3 [physics.optics] 5 Jun 2019 loss due to reflection with respect to an optimized flat reference. We numerically analyze the helicity preservation properties of the system, and also show that a hexagonal array lattice, featuring a higher degree of discrete rotational symmetry, can improve over the anti-reflection performance of a square lattice. Importantly, the disks are introduced in an electrically decoupled manner such that the passivation and electric properties of the device are not disturbed.
IntroductionMinimal reflection is an obvious design goal in solar cell technology which attracts much research attention. Different approaches to anti-reflection (AR) range from chemical texturing of the silicon waver 1,2 to sophisticated AR coatings 3-7 and plasmonic structures 8-10 .Recently, the use of arrays of dielectric nano-structures is being investigated as a possible avenue to improve AR properties of solar cells [11][12][13][14][15][16] . Due to the low profiles of the patterning nanostructures, this approach is suitable for ultra thin film solar cells. Clearly, understanding the underlying physical principles behind backscattering minimization is relevant for the AR aspect of solar cell design.Much of the nanophotonics research on backscattering minimization stems from the 1983 article of Kerker et al. 17 . This early work showed that a sphere whose relative electric permittivity and magnetic permeability are equal exhibits zero backscattering under plane wave illumination, i.e., there is no energy in the specular back reflection direction, independently of the polarization of the illuminating plane wave. Since then, the theoretical and experimental works on zero backscattering have been numerous, see e.g. Refs. 18-26. On the theoretical side, the relationship between electromagnetic duality symmetry and zero backscattering 18,20,27 has provided a new point of view on Kerker's result by connecting the backscattering suppression to a fundamental symmetry in electromagnetism. A system is symmetric under duality transformations 29 if and only if its electric and magnetic responses to incident radiation are equivalent. This equivalence connects directly to Kerker's = µ