Will-be-set-by-IN-TECHAnd in all cases Pancharatnam's definition applies. Pancharatnam's phase bore therefore an anticipation and -at the same time -a generalization of Berry's phase. Indeed, Berry's assumptions about a cyclic, adiabatic and unitary evolution, turned out to be unnecessary for a geometric phase to appear. This was made clear through the contributions of several authors that addressed the issue right after Berry published his seminal results (Y. Aharonov, 1987;J. Samuel, 1988). Pancharatnam's approach, general as it was when viewed as pregnant of so many concepts related to geometric phases, underlay nonetheless two important restrictions. It addressed nonorthogonal and at the same time pure, viz totally, polarized states. Here again the assumed restrictions turned out to be unnecessary. Indeed, it was recently proposed how to decide whether two orthogonal states are in phase or not (H. M. Wong, 2005). Mixed states have also been addressed (A. Uhlmann, 1986;E. Sjöqvist, 2000) in relation to geometric phases which -under appropriate conditions -can be exhibited as well-defined objects underlying the evolution of such states. The present Chapter should provide an overview of the Pancharatnam-Berry phase by introducing it first within Berry's original approach, and then through the kinematic approach that was advanced by Simon and Mukunda some years after Berry's discovery (N. Mukunda, 1993). The kinematic approach brings to the fore the most essential aspects of geometric phases, something that was not fully accomplished when Berry first addressed the issue. It also leads to a natural introduction of geodesics in Hilbert space, and helps to connect Pancharatnam's approach with the so-called Bargmann invariants. We discuss these issues in the present Chapter. Other topics that this Chapter addresses are interferometry and polarimetry, two ways of measuring geometric phases, and some recent generalizations of Berry's phase to mixed states and to non-unitary evolutions. Finally, we show in which sense the relativistic effect known as Thomas rotation can be understood as a manifestation of a Berry-like phase, amenable to be tested with partially polarized states. All this illustrates how -as it has often been the case in physics -a fundamental discovery that is made by addressing a particular issue, can show afterwards to bear a rather unexpected generality and applicability. Berry's discovery ranks among this kind of fundamental advances.
The adiabatic and cyclic case: Berry's approachLet us consider a non-conservative system, whose evolution is ruled by a time-dependent Hamiltonian H(t). This occurs when the system is under the influence of an environment. The configuration of the environment can generally be specified by a set of parameters (R 1 , R 2 ,...). For a changing environment the R i are time-dependent, and so also the observables of the system, e.g., the Hamiltonian:The evolution of the quantum system is ruled by the Schrödinger equation, or more generally, by the Liou...