[4], and diffractive optical elements incorporated in astronomical spectrographs [5], have been proposed. A good performance of these optical elements can be achieved providing holographic gratings separating the incident beam into two orthogonal polarization states, typically s and p, with large extinction ratios. Kogelnik's theory studies the electromagnetic wave for each polarization component, s and p, propagating independently in the medium with the respective coupling coefficients defined by [1]: P = S cos͑2 B ͒, where B is the Bragg angle inside the medium (2 B is the angle between the two recording beams). Interesting grating characteristics are obtained in a 90°recording geometry, say 2 B = 90°. For this case P = 0 and therefore the diffraction efficiency of the polarization state p vanished. The incident beam is totally transmitted through the holographic sample. On the other hand, the s-polarized beam is diffracted with an efficiency ͑͒, where is the incidence angle of the reading beam inside the medium. For the particular case ͑ B ͒ = 1, the grating splits the incident light into two beams with orthogonal polarization states, thus acting as an HPBS. However, this condition is rather restrictive, since the holographic grating has to satisfy a specific ratio between the sample thickness T and the refractive index modulation ⌬n [1].Several holographic materials, such as dichromated gelatins [2,5,6], photopolymers [7], and silver halides [3], have been used to record polarizing gratings in a 90°recording geometry. Typical challenges arising in some of these materials are shrinkage of the fringe pattern during the development process, low diffraction efficiency, grating defects, low values of the refractive index modulation, and optical scattering. A holographic material with a high dynamic range, low scattering, minimized shrinkage, the ability to record high spatial frequency gratings, and good mechanical as well as thermal stability is required for recording polarizing gratings with a high optical quality.In this Letter we report the first study, to the best of our knowledge, of polarization properties of a volume transmission phase grating in a photopolymerizable glass [8]. This material [8] is a modified composition of a highly efficient photopolymerizable solgel glass synthesized earlier by Cheben et al. [9] wherein the modification is achieved by incorporating the Zr-based high refractive index species (HRIS) at the molecular level. The physical mechanism of grating formation in this glass involves a codirectional diffusion of monomer and HRIS species upon inhomogeneous illumination [10]. This mechanism results in a self-developed hologram with a permanent phase grating with an increased dynamic range along with low coherent and incoherent scattering noise, high optical quality, high diffraction efficiency, and negligible shrinkage [8]. The optical Pendellö-sung effect was reported in the visible domain using this material [11].We holographically recorded transmission volume gratings in a 90°recor...