We present a new broadband technique for the measurement of diffuse light transport through opaque scattering media. Using the spectral correlations introduced by a scattering medium onto a white-light supercontinuum spectrum, the diffusion constant of light is determined over a wide spectral range in the visible and near infrared. Independent broadband measurements of both the transport mean free path and the diffusion constant are used to calculate the spectral dependence of the energy velocity in a porous GaP slab. Broadband correlation spectroscopy is found to be an excellent tool for the characterization of random scattering media.Quantitative information on light transport in disordered media is of importance in many medical, chemical, and physical applications [1,2]. Scattering plays a crucial role in the performance of novel nanophotonic structures such as photonic crystals, waveguides, and metamaterials [3][4][5]. Access to the spectral variation of light scattering properties is indispensable when studying different scattering regimes, effects of resonances or band structure [6], or eventually the transition to Anderson localization [7]. Until recently, many light transport experiments were limited by the use of single-wavelength or narrowband tunable lasers, hampering the interpretation of results. Recent developments in spatially coherent, broadband light sources allow for new experiments yielding unprecedented access to interference phenomena in random media [8].Static light transport is characterized by a mean free path , which can be obtained from total transmission and enhanced backscattering experiments. Dynamic measurements, like time-resolved transmission of short optical pulses, give access to the diffusion constant D and to the transport velocity v E [6,9,10]. Access to the dynamic transport parameters can also be gained through frequency correlations of light transmitted through the material, as first demonstrated by Genack et al [11,12]. Further experiments have revealed both short-range and long-range correlations [13,14], in close agreement with theory [15].Here, we introduce a novel broadband method for measurement of dynamic transport parameters over a wide spectral range in the visible and infrared combining a supercontinuum white-light source and a Fourier transform (FTIR) spectrometer. A schematic overview of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The supercontinuum light source (Fianium SC-450) produces a 2-mm wide, collimated beam of 2 W optical power in a spectrum spanning the visible and infrared from 450 nm up to 1800 nm wavelength. The transmission of light through a slab of thickness L reduces the intensity roughly by a factor /L times the fraction of solid angle used for detection, resulting in efficiencies as low as 10 −6 for single speckle measurements on optically thick samples. In order to maximize the available optical power in a single speckle spot behind the scattering medium, the beam was focused to a spot of approximately 5 µm in diameter onto the sample using a...