Pathogen-specific CD8 T cells face the problem of finding rare cells that present their cognate antigen either in the lymph node or infected tissue. To optimize the search for rare targets it has been proposed that T cells might perform a random walk with long displacements called Levy walks enabling superdiffusive behavior and shorter search times1–3. Many agents ranging from cells to large animals have been found to perform Levy walks3–5 suggesting that Levy walk-based search strategies may be evolutionary selected6,7. However, whether random walk patterns are driven by agent-intrinsic programs or shaped by environmental factors remains largely unknown8. To address this problem we examined the behavior of activated CD8 T cells in the liver where both the movement of the cells and the underlying structural constraints can be clearly defined. We show that Plasmodium-specific liver-localized CD8 T cells perform short displacement, Brownian-like walks and yet display superdiffusive overall displacement, the cardinal feature of efficient Levy walks. Because liver-localized CD8 T cells are mainly associated with liver sinusoids, simulations of Brownian or Levy walkers in structures derived from the liver sinusoids illustrate that structure alone can enforce superdiffusive movement. Moreover, Brownian walkers require less time to find a rare target when T cells search for the infection in physiologically-derived liver structures. Importantly, analysis of fibroblastic reticular cell networks on which CD8 T cells move in lymph nodes also allows for superdiffusion in simulations, though this is not observed experimentally, suggesting that structure is not the only factor determining movement patterns of T cells. Our results strongly suggest that observed patterns of movement of CD8 T cells are likely to result from a combination of cell-intrinsic movement programs, physical constraints imposed by the environmental structures, and other environmental cues. Future work needs to focus on quantifying the relative contributions of these factors to the overall observed movement patterns of biological agents.