ment in which the deviation from the Langevin theory calculated above could be seen.
VI. CONCLUSIONWe have demonstrated that the Langevin theory for electron mobility in a hard-core gas can be derived from irreversible quantum statistics without postulating any relaxation time. Rather, a momentum-dependent Static He-II films which are locally disturbed are investigated with the two-fluid model. It is assumed that motion of the normal fluid is retarded by a viscous force per unit volume rcopv n , in which r is a dimensionless viscosity parameter whose value in He-II films is shown to be 10 2 <^<10 4 . A general surface wave and thermal disturbance is propagated through the film by two wave modes: a third-sound wave and a new highly attenuated, wave; these are first redescribed. For arbitrary initial conditions, the amounts of each mode produced are derived for a general experimental case. In particular, conditions which will produce third sound alone and the new mode alone are derived as functions of temperature and r. It is shown that pure third sound is difficult to produce, since the requirements on phase between the surface wave and temperature excitations are not experimentally natural ones. It is shown that, when the film is locally disturbed with a pure thermal excitation varying as exp^W, both modes are excited equally and are 180° out of phase, so that the net surface is undisturbed. When the film is locally disturbed with an isothermal pure pressure excitation, then for large viscous force on the normal fluid, almost all of the displacement is in the new mode. The motions of the film variables characteristic of each of the modes are analytically obtained in general, and described quantitatively for a particular case. In the new mode, the normal fluid and superfluid move with almost the same phases and velocities, and are 180° out of phase with the surface wave. In the third-sound mode, the superfluid moves in phase with the surface waves but the normal-fluid motion is more complicated. The results are compared with Lifshitz's results on first and second sound in bulk helium.