Liquid phase exitaxy (LPE) experiments with solvents based on PbO proved that (211) garnet faces grow via a step mechanism. Growth steps generally occur on (i) vicinal faces, in connection with (ii) growth spirals, and (iii) two-dimensional nuclei. The current state of experimental and theoretical problems linked with (i) to (iii) has been reviewed recently (GORNERT, VOIGT). In this letter we will report some new results which are concerned with the anisotropic motion of steps on (21 1) garnet faces. The experimental methods to determine step velocities are anabgeous to that published by HERGT, GORNERT 1978; VAN ERK et al.; HERGT. As described by GORNERT et al. we deposited (YSm),(FeGa),O,, films on proper Gd,Ga,O,, (GGG) substrates by means of a standard LPE dipping technique. Figure 1 shows normalized step velocities determind from two (ideal) growth hillocks in dependence on the crystallographic direction within (21 l} faces. The term ,,ideal" should be understood according to a classification of growth hillocks proposed by TSUKAMOTO and VAN DER HOEK. Figure 1 reveals that the maximum step velocity is along (1 11) in distinction to { 110) films where (1 10) represents the direction of largest velocity. Besides, the figure indicates a smaller growth rate anisotropy at increasing undercooling (cf. HERGT).Measurements of the growth rate of vicinal faces in dependence on the vicinal angle have been already presented in Figure 2 of the paper of HERGT and GORNERT 1980.