“…In addition, cases of TLE with frequent interietal spikes tend to be more severe than cases with infrequent interietal spikes (Rosati et al, 2003). In support of this, interietal diseharge frequeney tends to positively eorrelate to the number of kindling trials administered in rats (Pinel and Rovner, 1978). However, others have observed that, in general, interietal spike frequeney does not change immediately prior to seizure onset in patients aeeording to sorne (Gotman, 1991;Katz et al, 1991), or deereases preeeding seizures aeeording to others (Lange et al, 1983;de Curtis and Avanzini, 2001), and inereases immediately following ietal diseharges (Gotman and Mareiani, 1985;Gotman, 1991 ln eonvulsant-treated sliees, the pieture is also mixed.…”