We show that thermal modulation of the spin density is determined primarily by the defect correlation energy in intrinsic amorphous semiconductors, and is fairly insensitive to Fermi level position. We present temperature-dependent electron-spin-resonance (ESR) measurements for intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon indicating a correlation energy of about 0.3 eV in low-defect-density material. We discuss the previous interpretation of depletion-width-modulated ESR in intrinsic tf-Si:H as indicating a correlation energy of 0.0 eV. PACS numbers: 76.30.Mi, 71.55.Ht Ever since the discovery that defects in chalcogenide glasses such as Se and As2Se3 can have negative effective correlation energies U-that is, ever since the discovery that charge exchange between identical defects
D°+D°+U^D + +D~can be exothermic-it has been clear that experimental constraints on U are crucial to the interpretation of defect experiments [1-4]. The original puzzle in chalcogenides was that the large densities of gap states detected electrically gave no corresponding signal in electron-spinresonance (ESR) measurements. The puzzle is neatly solved by a negative correlation energy: Only neutral defects are detected by ESR, but with a negative U essentially all defects are charged in equilibrium (half positively and half negatively).The discovery of negative U in chalcogenide glasses was probably delayed by the absence of experimental techniques which directly address its value and sign.
Research on hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) benefited from a novel, depletion-width-modulated (DWM) ESR technique developed in 1982 by Cohen, Harbison, and Wecht [5] to probe correlation energies.These "DWM-ESR" measurements were done on phosphorus-doped a-Si:H. Initially, the D centers were negatively charged due to doping; spins were created by "depleting" the specimen of electrons, thereby creating spins (neutral D° defects). The measurements were consistent with a substantial, positive correlation energy £/>0.2eV.One might expect that the properties of D centers in doped tf-Si:H and intrinsic (not intentionally doped) a-Si:H should be the same, and indeed some early experimental estimates of U were based on this premise. However, it now appears that the optical [6,7] and spinrelaxation [8] properties of the D center vary significantly between specimens, presumably reflecting the relatively large range of configurations possible for a given type of defect in a noncrystalline material. A systematic difference between doped and intrinsic a-Si:H is possible and even probable. The first DWM-ESR measurements