Background: The primo vascular system (PVS) is an anatomical structure that is a network of ducts with fluid flowing in them, which are called primo vessels and correspond to acupuncture meridians, and primo nodes that correspond to acupoints. The PVS' main function is considered to be the maintenance of regenerative homeostasis in human and animal bodies. This system is distributed throughout the bodies of normal animals and develops around and in cancer tissues. This cancer-associated PVS may be a critical metastatic path besides the blood and the lymph vessels. The author of this article proposes a hypothesis on cancer treatment: Injecting anticancer drugs into acupoints according to the pharmacopuncture method can be effective as a result of the flow channels of the PVS. The author considers the acupoint Zusanli (ST 36) and the route of the primo vessels starting from it. This specific PVS route runs along the perineurium of the sciatic nerve, the pia mater, and the arachnoid mater of the spinal cord to the brain. Thus, by injecting a suitable anticancer drug into ST 36, one can deliver the drug into the brain to treat gliomas and other brain tumors. This new drug-delivery method is just one of the new clinical applications that are possible by combining acupuncture and using the PVS. Conclusions: Anticancer drugs for glioma can be injected into the primo node at the acupoint ST 36 to reach the cancer tissue through the PVS in the sciatic nerve, spine, and brain that can avoid the blood-brain barrier.