A supercritical water heat transfer facility has been built at the University of Wisconsin to study heat transfer in a circular and square annular flow channel. A series of integral heat transfer measurements has been carried out over a wide data. Low mass velocity data has provided some insight into the difficulty in applying these Nusselt correlations to a region of deteriorated heat transfer.Geometrical differences in heat transfer were seen when deterioration was present. Jackson's buoyancy criterion predicted the onset of deterioration while modifications were applied to Seo's Froude number based criterion. Chapter 1 -Introduction
IntroductionIn an effort to improve the efficiency of current Light Water Reactors (LWR's), the Generation IV initiative has included the conceptual design of Supercritical WaterReactor (SCWR) as one of the next steps in future nuclear reactors [8]. A SCWR will achieve efficiencies of about 44%, compared with current LWR efficiencies of about 34%, by operating its coolant at higher temperature (500 o C) and pressure (25 MPa) than current LWR's ( Figure 1-1 and Table 1). These operating conditions are above the pseudo-critical temperature of water (defined as the temperature, for a given pressure, at which the specific heat exhibits a maximum) and thus the coolant of SCW reactors will undergo large thermo-physical property changes (Figure 1-2
Two key experiments performed by Yamagata et al. [53] and Shitsman[48] investigated the thermophysical property variation effects on SCW heat transfer in a heated up-flow tube geometry at high and low mass velocities.Yamagata's data was performed at a relatively high mass velocity of (1260 kg/m 2 s) with varying heat flux. Yamagata's data shows that as the bulk enthalpy is increased through the pseudo-critical temperature an enhancement in heat transfer occurs (Figure 1-3). This enhanced heat transfer is diminished by increasing heat flux and suggests that at some critical heat flux, the enhancement will be completely inhibited. Shitsman's data (low mass velocity, (430 kg/m 2 s)) indicates that as the bulk coolant enthalpy is increased through the pseudocritical temperature, deterioration in heat transfer can occur (Figure 1-4). At a low heat flux there is indication of a localized enhancement in heat transfer. As the heat flux is increased, the heat transfer progresses from an enhanced condition to a deteriorated condition. In fact at the highest heat flux case, the heat transfer is so poor that it resulted in a localized temperature spike from 400 to 600 o C.However, it should be noted that in difference to two-phase critical heat flux phenomena, the heat transfer recovers after either an enhancement or deterioration. (Figure 1-5a). Enhanced heat transfer occurs at a low heat flux with bulk temperatures near the pseudo-critical temperature. At these conditions, the energy input is not large enough to overcome the large values of specific heat and thus a low gradient in wall to bulk temperature is achieved (Figure 1-5b).The impa...