For many decades, protein folding experimentalists have worked with no information about the timescales of relevant protein folding motions and without methods for estimating the height of folding barriers. Experiments in protein folding have been interpreted using chemical models in which the folding process is characterized as a series of equilibria between two or more distinct states that interconvert with activated kinetics. Accordingly, the information to be extracted from experiment was circumscribed to apparent equilibrium constants and relative folding rates. Recent developments are changing this situation dramatically. The combination of fast-folding experiments with the development of analytical methods more closely connected to physical theory reveals that folding barriers in native conditions range from minimally high (~14 RT for the very slow folder AcP) to nonexisting. While slow-folding (i.e. 1 millisecond or longer) single domain proteins are expected to fold in a two-state fashion, microsecond-folding proteins should exhibit complex behavior arising from crossing marginal or negligible folding barriers. This realization opens a realm of exciting opportunities for experimentalists. The free energy surface of a protein with marginal (or no) barrier can be mapped using equilibrium experiments, which could resolve energetic from structural factors in folding. Kinetic experiments on these proteins provide the unique opportunity to measure folding dynamics directly. Furthermore, the complex distributions of time-dependent folding behaviors expected for these proteins might be accessible to single molecule measurements. Here, we discuss some of these recent developments in protein folding, emphasizing aspects that can serve as a guide for experimentalists interested in exploiting this new avenue of research.In folding to their biologically active 3D structures, proteins must coordinate the vast number of degrees of freedom of their polypeptide chains by forming complex networks of noncovalent interactions. Therefore, understanding protein folding involves determining the relations between the energetics of weak interactions and protein conformation, and the collective chain dynamics that govern the search in conformational space. In modern rate theory, these issues are resolved by mapping the potential energy of the molecule as a function of the relevant coordinates. The dynamics are then represented as diffusion on such an energy surface(1,2). For folding reactions, however, even the solvent-averaged free energy surface is hyper-dimensional due to the large number of relevant coordinates (i.e. thousands of atomic coordinates for a small protein)(3). Folding hypersurfaces should also be topographically complex due to frustration between the myriads of possible interactions (3,4). Moreover, molecular simulations(5-8) and NMR dynamics experiments(9) indicate that protein conformational motions span a wide range of timescales (i.e. from picoseconds to milliseconds). The implication is that measuri...