This disertation present application of parametric and nonparametric identification techniques to obtain a linear model of a electro-mechanic torsional vibration bench.The torsional vibration bench consist of a servomotor with a disk attached to the motor's shaft. The torsional vibration bench can represents multiple systems used in the industry, as the rotating shafts in machines, for example, computerized numerical control machines. The torsional vibration bench is located in the School of Mechanical Engineering, UNICAMP. This torsional vibration bench is used for research in control and identification. Thus, it is necessary to have a validated experimental model of the torsional vibration bench.The process to obtain a model is divide in three step: [Step 1] is a preliminary part that contains: identification concepts, the torsional vibration bench configuration, analysis of noise and signal's processing, and analysis of a rank of frequency's work and excitation's torque, for the torsional vibration bench.[Step 2] is the application of the identification methods studied in step 1, giving the technical details of the identification process. The following hypothesis are used for the coupling: (i) the coupling is a body with infinite stiffness; (ii) the coupling is a body with finite stiffness.For five operating conditions, linear time invariant models are obtained, which are called local models. It should be noted that each operating condition depends on the variation of the damping of the disk on the bench. The damping depends of the fixed current in the electromagnetic brakes.A first-order transfer function is proposed for the system with rigid coupling and a third-order transfer function is proposed for the model with flexible coupling.The models identified using ARX, OE, N 4SID, and P EM techniques are compared with the estimation of the FRF. The temporal response of the models identified are compared with the experimental data.[Step 3] Is the experimental validation process used to validate the local models. As a result of applying the steps and processes contained in this work, a model is validated experimentally for the case in which the coupling has infinite stiffness. Likewise, one validated model is obtained for the system in which the coupling has finite stiffness. In the parametric identification case a set of twelve validated models are identified experimentally using time domain methods.