Quantum algorithms could be much faster than classical ones in solving the factoring problem. Adiabatic quantum computation for this is an alternative approach other than Shor's algorithm. Here we report an improved adiabatic factoring algorithm and its experimental realization to factor the number 143 on a liquid crystal NMR quantum processor with dipole-dipole couplings. We believe this to be the largest number factored in quantum-computation realizations, which shows the practical importance of adiabatic quantum algorithms. Multiplying two integers is often easy while its inverse operation -decomposing an integer into a product of two unknown factors -is hard. In fact, no effective methods in classical computers is available now to factor a large number which is a product of two prime integers [1]. Based on this lack of factoring ability, cryptographic techniques such as RSA have ensured the safety of secure communications [2]. However, Shor proposed his famous factoring algorithm [3] in 1994 which could factor a larger number in polynomial time with the size of the number on a quantum computer. Early experimental progresses have been done to demonstrate the core process of Shor's algorithm on liquid-state NMR[4] and photonic systems [5,6] for the simplest case -the factoring of number 15.While traditional quantum algorithms including Shor's algorithm are represented in circuit model, i.e., computation performed by a sequence of discrete operations, a new kind of quantum computation based on the adiabatic theory was proposed by Farhi et al. [7] where the system was driven by a continuously-varying Hamiltonian. Unlike circuit-based quantum algorithms, adiabatic quantum computation (AQC) is designed for a large class of optimization problems -problems to find the best one among all possible assignments. Moreover, AQC shows a better robustness against error caused by dephasing, environmental noise and imperfection of unitary operations [8,9]. Thus it has grown up rapidly as an attractive field of quantum computation researches.Several computational hard problems have been formulated as optimization problems and solved in the architecture of AQC, for example the 3-SAT problem, Deutsch's problem and quantum database search [7,[10][11][12][13][14]. Recently Peng et al.[15] have adopted a simple scheme to solve the factoring problem in AQC and implemented it on a liquid-state NMR system to factor the number 21. However, this scheme could be very hard for large applications due to the exponentially-growing spectrum width of the problem Hamiltonian. At the same time, another adiabatic factoring scheme provided by Schaller and Schützhold [17,18] could suppress the spectrum width and shows to be much faster than classical factoring algorithms or even an exponential speed-up.However, Schaller and Schützhold's original factoring scheme is too hard to be implemented for any nontrival factoring cases on current quantum processors. In this letter, we improve the original scheme to use less resources by simplifing the equati...