The challenges of HPC education span a wide array of targeted applications, ranging from developing a new generation of administrators and facilitators to maintain and support cluster resources and their respective user communities, to broadening the impact of HPC workflows by reaching non-traditional disciplines and training researchers in the best-practice tools and approaches when using such systems. Furthermore, standard x86 and GPU architectures are becoming untenable to scale to the needs of computational research, necessitating software and hardware co-development on less-familiar processors. While platforms such as Cerebras and SambaNova have matured to include common frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch as well as robust APIs, and thus are amenable to production use cases and instructional material, other systems may lack such infrastructure maturity, impeding all but the most technically inclined developers from being able to leverage the system.We present here our efforts a nd o utcomes o f p roviding a codevelopment and instructional platform for the Lucata Pathfinder thread-migratory system in the Rogues Gallery at Georgia Tech. Through a collection of user workflow management, co-development with the platform's engineers, community tutorials, undergraduate coursework, and student hires, we have been able to explore multiple facets of HPC education in a unique way that can serve as a viable template for others seeking to develop similar efforts.