A COz TEA laser was frequency tuned by means of injection locking with a tunable waveguide laser as master oscillator, using a special injection method. Injection-locking experiments were performed at different operating conditions and varying parameters such as laser lines, master oscillator power, and frequency offset from the line center. F INTRODUCTION OR numerous applications such as coherent pulse heterodyne detection or pumping of optically pumped IR lasers, COz TEA lasers have to be frequency controlled without reduction of the available laser power.For the optically pumped CF4 laser, for example, a frequency-controlled pump laser is necessary. The absorption bands of the CF, laser have a linewidth of the order of 50 MHz, while the width of the gain profile of a COz TEA laser is approximately 4 GHz.Different methods have been proposed and used to stabilize the emission frequency of a C 0 2 TEA laser. These include the use of hybrid lasers or injection lochng with a low-pressure CW COz laser as master oscillator. The main disadvantages of these methods are that the frequency is stabilized to the center of the gain profrle and tuning to the absorption lines of CF4, for example, is not possible.Injection locking for stabilizing the frequency of a COz TEA laser [1]-[8] is, however, not restricted to low-pressure CW master oscillators. If a tunable waveguide laser is used as a master oscillator, the TEA laser can also be tuned within the tuning range of the waveguide laser [ 7 ] .The present paper reports on investigations into an injectionlocked C 0 2 TEA laser using a tunable waveguide laser as master oscillator.The method of injecting the master oscillator radiation into the TEA laser resonator is discussed and experimental results concerning the operating conditions of the system are presented.