An extensive data set of 54 time-resolved pump-probe measurements was used to examine COϩHe rotational energy transfer within the CO vϭ2 rotational manifold. Rotational levels in the range J i ϭ2 -9 were excited and collisional energy transfer of population to the levels J f ϭ1 -10 was monitored. The resulting data set was analyzed by fitting to numerical solutions of the master equation. State-to-state rate constant matrices were generated using fitting law functions and ab initio theoretical calculations that employed the SAPT potential energy surface of Heijmen et al. ͓J. Chem. Phys. 107, 9921 ͑1997͔͒. Fitting laws based on the modified exponential gap ͑MEG͒, statistical power exponential gap ͑SPEG͒, and energy corrected sudden with exponential power ͑ECS-EP͒ models all yielded acceptable simulations of the kinetic data, as did the theoretical rate constants. However, the latter were unique in their ability to reproduce both our kinetic data and the pressure broadening coefficients for COϩHe. These results provide an impressive demonstration of the quality of the symmetry adapted perturbation theory ͑SAPT͒ potential energy surface.