Measurements of synchrotron radiation emitted by 30-MeV runaway electrons in the TEXTOR-94 tokamak show that the runaway population decays after switching on neutral beam injection (NBI). The decay starts only with a significant delay, which decreases with increasing NBI heating power. This delay provides direct evidence of the energy dependence of runaway confinement, which is expected if magnetic modes govern the loss of runaways. Application of the theory by Mynick and Strachan [Phys. Fluids 24, 695 (1981)] yields estimates for the "mode width" ͑d͒ of magnetic perturbations: d , 0.5 cm in Ohmic discharges, increasing to d 4.4 cm for 0.6 MW NBI. PACS numbers: 52.55.Fa One of the outstanding issues in thermonuclear fusion research remains the anomalous conduction of heat by the electrons in the plasma. In a tokamak, the hot plasma is confined in a toroidal geometry by means of magnetic fields. The field topology is such that field lines lie on nested toroidal surfaces. Transport in the direction perpendicular to the surfaces is reduced by many orders of magnitude by the presence of the field. However, the measured heat fluxes carried by the electrons exceed the theoretically achievable minimum by 1-2 orders of magnitude. This anomaly is generally ascribed to turbulence, which may be of electrostatic or of magnetic nature, or both. There has been extensive research into transport caused by electrostatic fluctuations. Recently, means have been found to greatly reduce the heat loss caused by these [1]. Magnetic turbulence is more difficult to diagnose, since perturbing fields of the orderB͞B 10 25 can already contribute significantly to the heat flux carried by the electrons. The only direct measurements ofB in the core of a tokamak plasma, using the cross-polarization scattering of microwaves, did show the presence ofB at transport relevant levels in Tore Supra [2,3]. Electrons with energy much higher than the thermal energy, in principle, can provide a probe to study magnetic turbulence, since diffusion due to electrostatic turbulence scales with y 21 , whereas the magnetically induced diffusion scales as y, where y is the electron velocity. Moreover, since in a plasma the mean free path of an electron scales as y 4 , collisional transport is negligibly small for high energy electrons. The absence of collisions is also the reason why in tokamak plasmas of sufficiently low density a small fraction of the electrons (so-called runaway electrons) undergo a free fall acceleration and can reach energies in the MeV range, in a background plasma with a temperature of ϳ1 keV.In several studies, runaway electrons have been used to assess magnetic turbulence. One principal difficulty is that runaway electrons in the 1-MeV energy range cannot be diagnosed until they leave the plasma and hit the wall and produce x rays. Thus, in [4] experimental techniques have been used to probe magnetic turbulence in the edge of the plasma. Direct observation of runaway electrons in the center of the plasma column has been performed at...