The question of electromagnetic wave penetration and screening by a bounded supercritical ͑ p Ͼ with p and being the electron-plasma and wave frequencies, respectively͒ plasma confined in a minimum B multicusp field, for waves launched in the k Ќ B o mode, is addressed through experiments and numerical simulations. The scale length of radial plasma nonuniformity ͉͑n e / ͑ץn e / ץr͉͒͒ and magnetostatic field ͑B o ͒ inhomogeneity ͉͑B o / ͑ץB o / ץr͉͒͒ are much smaller than the free space ͑ o ͒ and guided wavelengths ͑ g ͒. Contrary to predictions of plane wave dispersion theory and the Clemow-Mullaly-Allis ͑CMA͒ diagram, for a bounded plasma a finite propagation occurs through the central plasma regions where ␣ p 2 = p 2 / 2 Ն 1 and  c 2 = ce 2 / 2 Ӷ 1͑ϳ10 −4 ͒, with ce being the electron cyclotron frequency. Wave screening, as predicted by the plane wave model, does not remain valid due to phase mixing and superposition of reflected waves from the conducting boundary, leading to the formation of electromagnetic standing wave modes. The waves are found to satisfy a modified upper hybrid resonance ͑UHR͒ relation in the minimum B field and are damped at the local electron cyclotron resonance ͑ECR͒ location.