Virtual phonons of a quantum liquid scatter off impurities and mediate a long-range interaction, analogous to the Casimir effect. In one dimension the effect is universal and the induced interaction decays as 1/r 3 , much slower than the van der Waals interaction ∼ 1/r 6 , where r is the impurity separation. The sign of the effect is characterized by the product of impurity-phonon scattering amplitudes, which take a universal form and have been seen to vanish for several integrable impurity models. Thus, if the impurity parameters can be independently tuned to lie on opposite sides of such integrable points, one can observe an attractive interaction turned into a repulsive one.PACS numbers: 67.10. Jn, 67.85.Pq, 42.50.Lc, 03.75.Kk The concept of zero-point energy has fascinated minds ever since the inception of quantum mechanics. Beyond being merely an inconsequential redefinition of the ground state energy, it was shown by Casimir [1] that changes in the zero-point energy can lead to observable forces between uncharged conducting plates. Going beyond simple planar geometries, recent developments in nanotechnology [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] have stimulated intense efforts to understand Casimir interactions between conducting objects of arbitrary shape [11,12].Zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic field constitute only one example of a much broader class of phenomena. Essentially any medium whose fluctuations display long-range correlations, e.g., media with a continuously broken symmetry and associated Goldstone mode(s) [13], induce long-range interactions between perturbing objects that modify the spectrum of fluctuations. A well-known example of such media is a superfluid whose Goldstone mode is the quantized sound mode or phonon. Although 4 He was the first system to exhibit the remarkable properties of superfluidity, recent advances in ultracold atom trapping and manipulation [14] have lead to an unprecedented ability to study ultraclean bosonic or fermionic superfluids subject to tunable spatial dimensionality, lattice configuration and interaction strength.Perturbing objects or impurities can be controllably introduced by transferring a fraction of atoms into a different hyperfine state [15][16][17], or by admixing a different atomic species [18][19][20][21]. As we show, such impurities immersed in an interacting cold atom environment is a particularly appealing setup. It gives rise to a long-range interaction, which we hereafter denote as the Casimir interaction, due to scattering of virtual phonons, the same mechanism lying at the heart of the analogous photoninduced Casimir effect. In addition, the cold-atom analog of the interaction has the advantage of being continuously tunable both in magnitude and in sign, a task which is hardly achievable in a linear electromagnetic medium [22].In most studies of Casimir interactions the analysis is restricted to static configurations of objects or bounding surfaces. The impurities in quantum liquids are typically free to propagate under the influence...