Abstract:The quantum entanglement of amplitude and phase quadratures between two intense optical beams with the total intensity of 22mW and the frequency difference of 1nm, which are produced from an optical parametric oscillator operating above threshold, is experimentally demonstrated with two sets of unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometers.The measured quantum correlations of intensity and phase are in reasonable agreement with the results calculated based on a semi-classical analysis of the noise characteristics given by C. Fabre et al. OCIS codes: 190.4410, 270.6570 In recent years quantum information with continuous variables (CV) where f is the noise frequency, S 0 is the shot noise limit (SNL), B and ξ =T/(T+δ) are the cavity bandwidth and the output coupling efficiency of NOPO respectively (T -the transmission coefficient of the output coupling mirror; δ -extra intracavity losses), η is the detection efficiency,is the pump parameter (P -the pump power, P 0 -the threshold pump power of NOPO). The intensity difference quantum correlations of twin beams were experimentally measured with self-homodyne detectors by different groups and were effectively applied [7][8][9][10][11][12] . However, the phase correlation of the twin beams was not observed for a long time Almost at a parallel period we were also devoting our efforts to measure the quantum entanglement of twin beams from NOPO above threshold. The measurement scheme used by us is basically same with that presented by O. Glockl et al. inRef.[15], where they performed sub-shot-noise measurement of the phase quadratures of intense pulsed light 16 . Considering that the phase correlation will be significantly affected by the phase fluctuation of the pump laser 6 and the restricted condition deducing Eqs. (1) and (2) in Ref. [4] requires the finesse of the NOPO cavity for the pump laser much lower than that for the twin beams, in our design the ratio of the cavity finesses for the pump and the twin beams is 16/164 which is much smaller than that in Refs.[13] and [14]. Due to the lower finesse the resonant peak of the pump laser in the cavity is relatively flat and thus the threshold power is higher (~120mW).At first, using a pair of Mach-Zehnder (M-Z) interferometers with unbalanced arm-lengths we detected the amplitude and phase noise of signal and idler output fields from a NOPO above threshold at a certain analysis frequency (20MHz), respectively. Then, the quantum correlations were denoted by the noise levels of the intensity difference and the phase sum of the photocurrents measured by two unbalanced interferometers. wave plate P1 (P2). Rotating the polarization orientation of P1 (P2) we can conveniently switch between phase and amplitude measurements 15 . In our system, the distance difference of two arms ∆L is 7.5m which matches the analysis frequency of 20MHz to make θ=π. The difference of the 5 dc photocurrents of D1 and D2 (D3 and D4) serves as the error signal and is fed back onto the PZT mounted on one of mirrors of the interferometer to...