Deformations of horizontal liquid interfaces by optical radiation pressure are generally expected to display similar behaviors whatever the direction of propagation of the exciting laser beam is. In the present experiment we find this expectation to be borne out, as long as the cw laser illumination is moderate in strength. However, as a striking contrast in the case of high field strengths, we find that either a large stable tether can be formed, or else that a break-up of the interface can occur, depending on whether the laser beam is upward or downward directed. Physically, the reason for this asymmetry can be traced to whether total reflection can occur or not. We also present two simple theoretical models, one based on geometrical optics, the other on wave optics, that are able to illustrate the essence of the effect. In the case leading to interface disruption our experimental results are compared with those obtained by Zhang and Chang for water droplets under intense laser pulses [Opt. Lett. 13, 916 (1988)]. A key point in our experimental investigations is to work with a near-critical liquid/liquid interface. The surface tension becomes therefore significantly reduced, which thus enhances the magnitude of the stationary deformations induced.