Many wooden artworks are contaminated by DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) as a result of a surface treatment by means of the liquid preservative Hylotox-59 © . It was used until the end of the 1980s. DDT crystal structures are formed on the wood surfaces by the "blooming" of chlorine compounds. In addition to an aesthetic disturbance, it is assumed that DDT represents a health risk. Even decades after applying, the toxins in the wood preservatives are still detectable because they are of low volatility in many wood samples. Contaminated waste wood with natural biocide ageing, gilded and wood carved elements of an old picture frame and wooden samples with paint layers were provided by the Schlossmuseum Sondershausen. Non-contact procedures using laser and plasma appear reasonable to remove the DDT crystals. During the experiments, health and safety issues for the operator have to be taken into account. The removal of DDT was evaluated employing femtosecond and nanosecond laser radiation and cold atmospheric plasma techniques with different working gases (air, nitrogen, and argon). Before laser application, a chlorine measurement representing the DDT density on the wooden surface is done by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis as reference. After laser processing, the XRF analysis is used again at the same surface position to determine the depletion rate. Additionally, a documentation and characterization of the sample surface is performed before and after laser and plasma treatment using optical microscopy (OM). For plasma processing with various systems a chlorine measurement is done by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis.