“…To model the electrochemical dissolution reactions in the fluoride salt we build on the approach described by Nam, et al [19] and extend it to include references to pure elements. In fluoride salt, the electrochemical reaction involved in the dissolution of species X (where X stands for Si or C) in SiC can be written as X %&' + salt ↔ X ./01 23 + 𝑛e 6 (1) [19] b Analyzed from X-ray diffraction data measured at 1123 K, Ref [23] c Ref [24] d Ref [25] Here, X ./01 23 is the dissolved species in the salt and X %&' is the species in SiC, n is the number of electrons involved in the reaction. The energy of an electron in equilibrium with the above reaction is referred to as the electrochemical potential and for a specific case, where X ./01 23 is at 1 molar concentration, this energy is called the standard potential, E 0 .…”