For operational extinguishing of fire-hazardous equipment under a subway car, a modernized under-weight extinguishing trolley is proposed. For supplying components of gel-forming compositions Na2O·2,7SiO2 + NH4H2PO4 sprayers of the "segener wheel" type were used. This made it possible to create a finely dispersed fog of gel-forming compounds under the subway car, ensuring uniform and stable adhesion of the gel layers to all surfaces under the car. When conducting experimental studies on the extinguishing of model fires, which are close in their configuration to a sub-weighted space, the effective parameters of the dispersion of drops of gel-forming compositions in 1,6 mm were determined. Uniformly stable adhesion of gel-forming compositions when finely dispersed allowed to reduce the consumption of fire extinguishing agent by at least 25% compared to previously used technical solutions.